How can Career Vision help us explore and evaluate college majors?
There are an overwhelming number of college majors to select from, and college majors often don’t align well with career options. While the tendency for many families may be to choose the college first, the major second, and settle on a career choice later, we advocate a reversal of that approach. Specifically, we help students understand how their natural talents, interests, and emerging values map to specific example career titles to explore – – titles that require and reward important aspects of the student. That doesn’t mean that the career decision has to be made during high school, but it does give students a chance to engage in focused career exploration earlier rather than later. We also provide students with a clear understanding of the college majors and educational requirements associated with the example careers along with excellent resources for career and school exploration. All of this in turn allows the student to orient to colleges that offer majors and internship experiences that are likely to support their eventual career choice.