All Career Vision Articles
Teen Career Exploration
- America’s Hottest Jobs on Center StageAmerica’s Hottest Jobs on Center Stage “And the award goes to…” Last month, “1917” won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture-Drama. Just one week later, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” took the Critic’s Choice Award. So which one was the real winner? That’s a tough question to answer since each film earned its accolades ...
- Careers Of The FutureCareers Of The Future By definition, careers of the future do not exist yet – but we can sneak a peek at some of the career possibilities beginning to emerge. We can also speculate about the possible requirements and pathways leading to those careers. Where will careers of the future come from? In the World Future Society article, “70 ...
- Emerging Career FieldsEmerging Career Fields Keeping your eye on trends is a smart career management practice. New technology, business practices, laws or changes in the global economy create needs for new or evolving occupations and career specialties. Often these are specialties that build on more general experience within a career, like a move into a homeland security role ...
- Exploring Careers and College Majors through Summer Camps, Museums and ToursExploring Careers and College Majors through Summer Camps, Museums and Tours “We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction.” – Malcolm Gladwell Do you learn better when you get to try something? If so, you’re not alone; many of us prefer to learn by doing. ...
- Exploring Careers: How to Get the Inside ScoopExploring Careers: How to Get the Inside Scoop The last time you went out for ice cream, what did you have? Did you stick with your same old favorite? Or did you waffle between several delectable flavors? In the end, did you like what you chose? If not, you’ll probably be pickier next time. You might ...
- Investigate Careers through Informational InterviewsInvestigate Careers through Informational Interviews If you’re a college student exploring the world of work or a soon-to-be college grad about to launch your career, you know how important it is to have comprehensive and reliable occupational information to evaluate how well a particular job suits your talents and interests. And here’s some good ...
Early Career Planning
- Career Guidance Tips For ParentsCareer Guidance Tips for Parents Today’s parents are beginning to add career counseling to their list of must-do activities to prepare for college. The reasons are varied. The financial squeeze of the recent recession, the staggering costs of college, the overwhelming choices of majors, and the increasing competitiveness in the job market – are all compelling ...
College Planning
- “Top College” Rankings: The Best Way to Pick Your School?“Top College” Rankings: The Best Way to Pick Your School? “Best” lists are all around us – the best picture of the year; the top Netflix original series; the best surfing beaches in the world; the top companies to work for in 2022. So, it’s only natural for high school students to be drawn to “top ...
- 4 Keys to College & Career Readiness4 Keys to College & Career Readiness If you’re a high school senior, it won’t be long before you go shopping for the items on your “things to bring to college” list, move into your residence hall, and head over to the campus bookstore to pick up your textbooks. Once you’ve done all that, you’ll be ...
- 4 Myths About College Majors4 Myths About College Majors After high school, students are often asked, “What college are you going to?” The follow up question they may dread is, “And what is your major?” Choosing an academic major is an important decision and there are some common misconceptions about majors and their relevance to a person’s career. Let’s examine ...
- 4 Things You Should Know about Community Colleges4 Things You Should Know about Community Colleges Everybody knows that college costs have increased dramatically throughout the years. According to College Board’s Trends in College Pricing report, tuition and fees for 2022 – 2023 averaged: $10,950 at four-year public colleges for in-state resident and $28,240 out-of-state, $39,400 at private colleges, $3,860 at community colleges for in-district residents. On top ...
- College Visits: Get the Whole PictureCollege Visits: Get the Whole Picture Sure, a picture may be worth a thousand words. But, when it comes to choosing your school, a visit to campus is worth a gazillion college brochures! Nothing’s better than walking around the college grounds to get an initial feel for what the school’s like. Even so, you need to ...
- Earn College Credit through AP and CLEP ExamsEarn College Credit through AP and CLEP Exams Are you looking to get a jump-start on college by earning credits while you’re in high school? Advanced Placement (AP) examinations can help you do just that. Or, maybe you want to get college credit for your professional experience or through independent study. Then, the College Level Examination ...
- Extraordinary College Essays Tell “Ordinary” StoriesExtraordinary College Essays Tell “Ordinary” Stories Are you getting ready to apply to colleges? If so, the thought of writing your college essays probably has you sweating a little. You probably have all sorts of questions running through your head, like: What topic should I chose? How will I grab the audience’s attention? What will I do ...
College Majors
- Educational Requirements For The 21st Century: Liberal Arts Or Job-Specific?Educational Requirements For The 21st Century: Liberal Arts Or Job-Specific? It used to be that a bachelor’s degree was a magic ticket to a professional level job. College students could major in almost anything because employers would hire new college graduates for their potential, assuming they had acquired a measure of maturity, self-discipline, and reasoning skills ...
- How To Make College Pay OffHow To Make College Pay Off At $20,000-$50,000 per year, the cost of a college education is staggering. And even before the current economic recession, only 20% of employers believed that college graduates possess the skills to enter the workforce. The good news, according to Bill Coplin, Ph.D., is that with the right advice, parents can ...
- Major Decision: Choosing Your College MajorMajor Decision: Choosing Your College Major Unless you’re one of those rare individuals who knew since you were a preschooler what you wanted to be when you grew up, choosing a college major may seem like a daunting task. You’ve probably heard over and over again that your uncertainty is perfectly normal. Once you’re in ...
College Job Search
- America’s Hottest Jobs on Center StageAmerica’s Hottest Jobs on Center Stage “And the award goes to…” Last month, “1917” won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture-Drama. Just one week later, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” took the Critic’s Choice Award. So which one was the real winner? That’s a tough question to answer since each film earned its accolades ...
- College Grad Hiring Is on the ReboundCollege Grad Hiring Is on the Rebound Following an unprecedented decade-long run of expanding job opportunities for new college graduates from 2009 through 2019, COVID-19 brought college recruiting to a near standstill. That’s not surprising, considering the impact the pandemic had on the economy (which led to record-breaking job losses). As such, 2021 college grads faced ...
- Identifying and Working Towards Your VisionIdentifying and Working Towards Your Vision “First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”-Epictetus Can you identify a career goal that you would like to work towards? If you find this task to be challenging, take heart — targeting a career goal and working towards it takes effort, commitment ...
- Investigate Careers through Informational InterviewsInvestigate Careers through Informational Interviews If you’re a college student exploring the world of work or a soon-to-be college grad about to launch your career, you know how important it is to have comprehensive and reliable occupational information to evaluate how well a particular job suits your talents and interests. And here’s some good ...
- Opportunities for Students in the Federal GovernmentOpportunities for Students in the Federal Government Students often want to make a difference. Whether in their school, their community or their country, they are interested in having an impact and creating positive changes. A career in public service, particularly in the federal government, can channel that enthusiasm and passion to serve. A world of opportunities ...
- The First Professional Challenge For College Grads Is Finding A JobThe First Professional Challenge For College Grads Is Finding A Job This excellent report features tips for recent graduates looking to launch their careers. Complete the form below and we’ll send you “The First Professional Challenge For College Grads Is Finding A Job” article.
Job Satisfaction
- 2 Big Ways COVID-19 Has Changed Work Forever2 Big Ways COVID-19 Has Changed Work Forever Seemingly overnight, COVID-19 changed the way we live, work, and interact in the world. Unlike a hurricane that passes through a geographic region for a day or so, a pandemic is global, enduring, and pervasively-disruptive. As such, COVID-19 leaves in its wake significant workplace changes, some ...
- Harness the Power of Emotional Intelligence in the WorkplaceHarness the Power of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Which of the following factors is the best predictor of success in the workplace? A. Work Experience B. Intelligence C. Skills D. Education / Training E. None of the above If you chose “E”, you got it right. Here’s why. Even though there’s no doubt that all of these factors have an impact ...
- How To Find A Career That Is A Good FitHow To Find A Career That Is A Good Fit Have you ever worn a pair of shoes that don’t fit correctly? Every step is painful. Just the thought of walking a block in them is daunting! How much more misery is involved when an individual is in a job or career that is a poor ...
- Job Satisfaction Is a “Win-Win” for Employees & EmployersJob Satisfaction Is a “Win-Win” for Employees & Employers Due to rapid and ongoing changes in the global marketplace, ever-changing technologies, and significant competition across industries, gone are the days of paternalistic organizations. Employers expect their workers to be self-directed and responsible for their own career development. A critical component in establishing a “win-win” relationship between ...
- Job Satisfaction Soars After Role ChangeJob Satisfaction Soars After Role Change Many adults who experience dissatisfaction in their current jobs believe that changing companies may give them a fresh perspective, and Mike Magnus was one of them. In 2005 he left his employer of 12 years, a leading international market research firm for the consumer package goods, retail and healthcare industries. In ...
- Job Satisfaction: It’s about FitJob Satisfaction: It’s about Fit If you’ve ever worn shoes that were the wrong size, you know how uncomfortable that can be. You probably couldn’t wait to kick off those misfits and put on your “go-to” shoes: they fit so well that it’s like walking on air. As you head out to work, is there a ...
- Job Satisfaction: Whose Job Is It?Job Satisfaction: Whose Job Is It? Due to the rapid changes in the global marketplace, new and changing technologies, and significant competition in all industries, paternalistic organizations are quickly going the way of the dinosaur. Today’s employers expect their workers to be self-directed and responsible for their own career development. A critical component in establishing a ...
- Self-Knowledge: The Key to Great Career DecisionsSelf-Knowledge: The Key to Great Career Decisions Have you ever gone out to run errands and lost your keys? If so, you probably remember that feeling of panic as you asked yourself, “How will I ever get home?” You looked everywhere, retracing each step you took throughout the day. Still — no keys! So, you decided to ...
Career Management
- Career ManagementCareer Management Career management is the lifelong process of investing resources to achieve your career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process that is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of the 21st Century economy. Career Vision’s programs support ongoing personal and professional development throughout life’s transitions. Whether we are ...
- Tip of the Month for Working Adults: Identify Your Work ValuesTip of the Month – Career Management: Identify Your Work Values Self-awareness is the key to making good career decisions. Great career decisions start with not only knowing who you are but what you value. Values are the criteria by which you evaluate the things and activities that are most important to you in life and work. ...
Career / Employment Outlook
- Global Competition Creates Demand For STEM Careers In Science, Technology, Engineering And MathGlobal Competition Creates Demand For STEM Careers In Science, Technology, Engineering And Math Career Vision gets calls from parents, school staff and reporters about what we think will be top jobs for the future. While it is tough to provide specific job titles because the actual job may not exist yet, it is very clear that ...
- Opportunities Abound In Middle-Skill JobsOpportunities Abound In Middle-Skill Jobs Over the past 20 years, jobs that can provide a middle-class income and lifestyle for someone who only has a high school diploma have been disappearing faster than the polar ice cap. Today, everyone needs some kind of postsecondary education or training in order to qualify for entry-level jobs. Our nation is ...