State Board Recognizes Importance of Career Planning
With the number of career choices available to students and greater competition for entry into different pathways, it is essential that our students build the framework necessary to make informed career choices before graduating high school. As leaders in their child’s development and career planning, parents will find a helpful resource in the Illinois State Board of Education Career Development K-12 Competencies and Indicator guide.
The ISBE recommends that high schools offer developmental programs and curriculum designed to help students build certain competencies. School counselors have limited access to students during the school day and have found creative ways to integrate the academic curriculum with the career development competencies.
For instance, partnering with an English teacher, a class assignment may be to investigate and write a paper on a specific occupation. Many schools have a career center or computerized system to support self-directed exploration. Some are staffed with parent volunteers to assist the students. Other guidance departments sponsor speakers and career or job fairs. As a parent, it is important to understand what the career development services and programs are and how and when they are available to your student and family. A good place to start is the school web site or a conversation with your guidance counselor or principal.
Three main competency areas are recommended by the ISBE for high school students. (For more specific information on the behavior indicators that support these competencies, go to the Illinois Career Development K-12 Competencies and Indicators document.)
- Self Knowledge
- Students are able to identify their abilities (aptitudes), interests, and skills and know how those characteristics support achievement of personal, social, educational and career goals.
- They can demonstrate effective skills for interacting with others, participating in a group, and healthy ways of dealing with stress, emotions, and conflict.
- Educational and Occupational Exploration
- Students are able to demonstrate their understanding of how educational achievement impacts career planning and career opportunities.
- They are able to describe how education relates to selecting college majors, and further training, entry into the workplace, citizenship and independence.
- They can locate, evaluate and interpret career information and demonstrate the skills needed to seek, obtain, maintain and change jobs.
- Finally, students demonstrate an understanding of the global economy and its effect on individuals as well as how societal needs influence work.
- Career Planning
- Students understand the steps in a quality career decision-making process and the impact of academic choices.
- They understand the continuous change in male and female roles and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and skills that help eliminate stereotyping.
- Finally, they demonstrate knowledge and skills needed for lifelong learning and career planning by building an individual career plan.