Beer or Career? Spring Break Alternatives for All Ages
Spring break for students is synonymous with a change of scenery and 24/7 socializing, whether on warm, sandy beaches or in the deep powder of ski resorts. However, the traditional destinations and activities of South Padre Island, Cancun, and Aspen are giving way to volunteer experiences and opportunities to explore potential careers. Adults can take advantage of these alternatives, too. What are three great options for spring break?
“R &R” (Rest and Relaxation) Getaway
Depends on your age: a change of pace, meet new people, lots of partying, concerts, contests, adventure sports and recreational activities, shopping, spa treatments, sightseeing, and getting a head start on a summer tan.
There are a number of trendy places to go: the Gulf Coast states, Mexico, Arizona, Myrtle Beach, and Las Vegas. Popular skiing and snowboarding destinations include Colorado, western Canada, Lake Tahoe, and Vermont.
Depends on where someone wants to go, what kind of transportation is needed to get there, and what level of accommodations are desired. Remember to add on the meals and entertainment budget, which can be sizable!
Alternative Spring Breaks (ASBs)
Volunteers want to make a difference related to social issues such as poverty, hunger, homelessness, conservation, housing, literacy, and racism. See new places, learn new skills.
Here are samples of the range of programs within the U.S. and abroad:
- Construction in New Orleans and Biloxi, MS
- Mentoring inner city youth in New York
- Economic development for a Native American reservation in Arizona
- Upgrading hiking trails in Tennessee
- Anti-death penalty activism in Texas
- Land ethics in Nicaragua
- Refugee and migrant worker assistance in Miami
Break Away®, the Alternative Spring Break connection is a non-profit group that provides training support to colleges and non-profit organizations for developing alternative spring break/intensive service learning programs. Over 100 schools host a local chapter, which sponsors and coordinates trips, and over 300 non-profit organizations are partners. Cost is $150-$700 plus transportation expenses to location of project.
Habitat for Humanity International, engages 12,000 high school and college students in the “Collegiate Challenge” during 2008 spring breaks. Habitat, established in 1976, is an ecumenical Christian organization dedicated to eliminate poverty housing. Costs range from $10 to $200 and housing is provided; food and all transportation expenses are the volunteer’s responsibility. Habitat’s weeklong programs are offered year-round, and are open to individuals age 16 or older.
Career Exploration Adventures
Sneak preview dream jobs and uncover opportunities for summer jobs, internships or full-time jobs that are related to your desired career direction or career change.
To maximize and focus your exploration, first get a solid understanding of your natural talents (aptitudes) and interests by taking a career assessment. Use the results and career recommendations suggested by the career consultant to plot your course of what careers to explore and who to contact.
Consider your career assessment as a smart investment for discovering an exciting future for yourself: $500 – $1000.
Develop your career explorer abilities through informational interviews with individuals already working in your dream job. Book a day to observe them in action in the workplace, called “job shadowing.” If your exploration territory is in your own city, costs are minimal.
If you decide to travel to another city to explore (for example, investigating government careers in Washington, DC), transportation, lodging, meals, and other expenses vary depending on your destination.
Want someone else to handle all the arrangements? Vocation Vacations offers 1-3 day career immersion experiences for 135 different jobs. Costs range from $549-$2999. Participant is responsible for transportation, lodging and meal expenses.
If time and budget are tight, plan a few days to enjoy a spring break locally. No matter what alternative you choose, shaking the monotony of late winter will replenish your energy, fire up your motivation, and put a smile on your face.