Career Direction: A Grandfather’s Legacy
As a small research organization, Career Vision clients historically heard about us only from word of mouth or personal referrals. The continuing growth of our career consulting services can be linked to the internet, emails and the expanding reach of social networks. We appreciate it when you tell your friends about us or pass along a newsletter article. Referrals and testimonials from our satisfied past clients and their families are the best way for us to have a greater impact on more lives. Here is a great story that exemplifies the impact you can have.
Richard Felter of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a smart and loving grandfather, writes, “Over the years, I have had the privilege of bringing five young people to Career Vision, four grandchildren and the daughter of a close friend. I have been very pleased with your services. In each instance, the results have been right on.” His single-spaced letter continues, detailing each of the young adults, where they went to college or are now in attendance, and where they are employed. All are flourishing. His fifth granddaughter continued the family legacy by coming into Career Vision last summer.
There is an intrinsic satisfaction for grandparents when they can see their grandchildren growing into confident and directed young men and women. Unlike parents who are often caught up in day-to-day activities, grandparents often have the advantage of seeing the bigger picture and what is most important over time. While both wish to provide whatever advantages are necessary for the children to be happy and succeed in school and in life, grandparents want their legacy to be positive and long lasting.
There are many families like the Felters who we get to know over the years. There is an even greater number of parents who have sent all of their children in turn to us to learn more about themselves, exciting college and career possibilities, and to begin to plan for the future. It is fun for us to get to know these families and hear about their progress as the years pass. It is a privilege to be viewed as an important rite of passage for those families who know the value we provide. In fact, some of the parents become our clients as they consider next steps in their own path or consider a career change.
We hope you will continue to spread the word and stay in touch to share your stories.