Increase Job Satisfaction and Reduce Job Stress
There always comes a time when we don’t want to hear about how stressful the workplace is, and we want to roll up our sleeves and do something. Here are five steps to guide you as you move into action to make healthy changes.
- First, assess your current level of job satisfaction by taking the Job Satisfaction Survey found at
- Identify the one or two most critical areas where you would like to increase your satisfaction.
- Read the Job Satisfaction white paper for additional background information.
- Schedule a conversation with your manager where you bring several suggestions to the discussion, and invite your manager’s recommendations. Managers are not mind readers, and may not realize that some minor modifications to your project assignments or work process will increase your sense of fulfillment. Sometimes your strategy may include taking steps toward a job or career change.
- Create a written action plan to make sure the changes you want to make are initiated and completed by particular dates.
Incorporating additional stress reducers in your life will help as well. These practices may be as individual as you are. They may include:
- building a support network among trusted friends and co-workers
- eating properly
- scheduling some daily physical exercise
- getting enough sleep
- losing yourself in some leisure activity you enjoy