Are You Ready?
The workplace is changing. We have all read articles and books about the global markets, the “dejobbing” of America and the likelihood that we will have seven to ten different careers in a lifetime. As a result, you might be asking yourself the following questions: How do I prepare myself to navigate my way through these changes? What do I need to know? How do I know if I am ready?
Completing the following checklist will help you think about what steps you might like to undertake to be prepared.
I know which of my aptitudes offer the greatest potential for success and satisfaction T F
I can identify three things I enjoy doing T F
I meet with a professional annually to evaluate my career goals T F
I have a financial plan T F
I have completed at least one class or technical training course in the past year T F
I belong to and am active in at least one professional or technical association T F
I schedule at least four meetings a year with other people in similar occupations to keep my network active T F
I have clearly identified annual goals in my work environment T F
I have updated my resume T F
I can clearly state my accomplishments T F
I take care of my health T F
I know where the career and employment resources are in the library T F
I know what is important to me T F
I keep current on employment trends T F
You are the rare person if you checked a yes for all of these statements. Most of us have some unfinished tasks and many of us know we should be doing these things, but never seem to get around to it. While this is certainly not an all-inclusive list, it does bring home some key questions.
We have all heard about the importance of good planning, life-long learning, self-reliance and networking. The challenge is to actually take the time to make this kind of important investment in yourself and your future.
The following resources can be used to help individuals and organizations succeed in the changing workplace:
- Bear’s Guide to Earning College Degrees Non-traditionally, Bear, J. M.
- Going Part-Time: The Insider’s Guide for Professional Women Who Want a Career and a Life, Tolliver, C.
- Guide to Internet Job Searching, Riley, M.; Roehm, F.; Oserman, S.
- Information Interviewing: How to Tap Your Hidden Job Market, Stoodley, M.
- JobShift, Bridges, W.
- Jobsmarts for Twentysomethings, Richardson, B.
- The College Board Guide to Jobs and Career Planning, Mitchell, J.
- Transitions, Bridges, W.
- Virtual College, Dixon, P.
- What Color is Your Parachute, Bolles, R.