Start Early, Start Smart: Career Planning in High School and College
So where are you going to college? And what is your major?
Throughout high school and college, students are faced with these questions. They create pressure if a student doesn’t know the answers. Several of our student clients have confided that they have made up answers just to stave off additional questions.
What makes these decisions so hard is that there are many excellent schools from which to choose. Colleges offer from 50 to 120 different majors and minors, which may not align directly with career paths. There are competing demands in learning for the joy of knowledge and being expected to find a job upon graduation, pay off loans and become self-supporting.
As a direct result of this complexity and skyrocketing college costs, there is an increased demand for resources that provide information to make these decisions easier. Parents are investing in test preparation courses, admissions coaches, and college funding advice in the face of increasing competition for colleges and for jobs. Before stepping onto this college admissions roller coaster, smart parents start early by giving their student the advantage of an objective career assessment conducted by our career experts.
Students tell us that our career assessments and coaching:
- Increased their sense of direction
- Gave them more motivation to succeed
- Increased their confidence
Parents and students alike are pleased with the:
- Ability to make informed choices
- Financial savings realized by avoiding extra semesters or years of school
- Increased peace-of-mind
A Career Vision Advantage assessment is a critical first step that provides information for post- high school decisions. Computerized career planning programs or interest inventories alone do not provide the depth of information and personalized feedback that an Advantage assessment from Career Vision delivers. When a student’s strengths and interests are identified, the family gains invaluable criteria for evaluating the types of colleges, learning environments, majors, and career paths where their child will flourish. In addition to learning how to leverage their strengths, students also learn about compensatory strategies to help them achieve success and satisfaction in school and work.
Over one third of our clients are students and young adults, giving Career Vision solid experience with this age group. Many of them are referrals from enthusiastic past clients.
College admissions officers and potential first employers seek students who are self-directed and know what they want to achieve. Research shows that clear, realistic goals make chances for success soar. A career assessment can give students a strong advantage as they make post-high school decisions.