Free Career Quizzes
Career Vision is a research-based career consulting organization providing comprehensive assessments and career service programs. We are happy to offer free career quizzes and surveys to help promote your career awareness and job satisfaction. Once you complete one of our free career quizzes, a personalized report will be generated for your review. These records are not saved. To retain a copy of your results you must print or save the report to your system.
We encourage you to contact us to discuss your career situation and how we might assist you in making a positive change.
Job Satisfaction Survey
Nationally, over 20% of adults express a high level of dissatisfaction with their current position, and more than 50% of adults look for a new job each year. If you can relate to these statistics then you should complete the free Career Vision Job Satisfaction Survey.
The Career Vision Job Satisfaction Survey uniquely captures your level of satisfaction with aspects of your actual work and your work environment. You will receive a personalized report that ranks your satisfaction with several key contributors to job satisfaction. These results will help provide insight into what is contributing to your job satisfaction/dissatisfaction. This information will be useful for conversations with your manager or as you consider a job redesign or change. You can find more information in our article, Job Satisfaction: Whose Job Is It?
As part of the survey we do not ask for any personally identifying information, but we do ask you to answer six general demographic questions (individuals completing this survey should be at least 18 years of age). This information will help us to assess broad satisfaction trends among individuals who work in a variety of industries and functional areas.
Career Vision Job Satisfaction Survey
Work Values Survey
What is important to you has a significant impact on whether or not you are satisfied with your work situation. As a unique and evolving individual, what is important to you at one stage of life may change at another. The benefit of ranking your work-related values from time to time is to help you identify and establish criteria for evaluating organizations and specific career opportunities. Once you complete the Career Vision Work Values Survey, you will receive your personalized results immediately.
Values can also be influenced by gender and generation. Therefore, we will ask you to complete two demographic questions that Career Vision will review to look at broad trends for research purposes. Thank you for your participation. If you are experiencing difficulty finding a career path that honors your values, please contact us to see how we can help you identify work more meaningful to you.