I Was Indecisive About my Career Path
I’ve been out of high school for five years, had two years at a community college and have been so indecisive about what career path to take. I put a lot of pressure on myself to pick “the right” career—believing I’d find something “perfect.” It’s hard, if you don’t know your options, to make a selection. My younger brother took the CV tests and so I decided to…I am absolutely in love with the idea of discovering my natural abilities and correlating them with my interests and personality…it’s a total custom-made job! ☺ I eliminated some choices and looked into schools based on your recommendations. I’ll be attending Drake University this fall to earn a BFA in Interior Design. The CV tests and counseling sessions helped me make a very important and personal decision. I have a few friends who seem “lost” career wise, and I think CV could give them helpful direction as it did for me.
Maureen F
Continue reading →Reevaluated Career Goals Based on Skills
I’ve used the information provided to rethink my career goals based on my strong skills. One of the main personal benefits I received from the test is a deeper understanding of myself. If someone needs that extra career push, or are uncertain of their true skills, I recommend taking this test. I was lucky enough to receive excellent one-on-one time with a true professional. Although the actual testing took all day, it was well worth the experience.
Nick H
Continue reading →Career Vision Tests Revealed My Strengths
As a college student, the Career Vision tests have helped me decide what I want to do with my life. It can be overwhelming for students to choose a major their freshmen year, but these tests revealed my strengths and narrowed down the careers that would best match my personality. Also, from the tests I discovered ways to study and choose classes based on my learning habits. The Career Vision tests helped me understand myself better and gave me the confidence I needed for college.
Kelly H
Continue reading →Career Vision Gave Better Insight Into My Talents
Before, when someone asked me about my college and career plans, I was a little uneasy. I had some vague ideas, but I was confused about how to figure it all out. Career Vision gave better insight into my talents and they helped me narrow down my career options and college major. Now I’m confident about my plans for the future.
John C
Continue reading →I Was Stressed Out About College Decisions
When I came to Career Vision, I was uneasy and very stressed out knowing that so many decisions about college had to be made in such a short time. To hear you say that my aptitudes and interests fit the field of engineering was so encouraging to me. Without your guidance I might never have chosen that career. I am now confident that I will earn a great degree from the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan.
Brooke B
Continue reading →Enlightening and Extremely Cost-Effective.
We have brought our 4 oldest children to Career Vision. The guidance their consultants offer is not something you can find in your homeschool network. We got a more global view of our children’s talents and broadened career options based on their capabilities. It was thorough, enlightening and extremely cost-effective.
Deborah H
Continue reading →A Small Investment with Big Return
Having spent more than 30 years in the financial industry, I’ve made it my business to make informed decisions about investments. One of the best personal and financial investments I’ve made is bringing my three children to Career Vision. The in-depth testing and insightful analysis provided by Career Vision gave them valuable information on their skills, preferences and career options and helped to clarify the path that would lead to academic and professional success. When you consider the high cost of a college education and the financial impact that a student’s choices will have throughout the rest of their life, this is a small investment that will return big dividends.
Frank F
Continue reading →We Had No Idea What College Major to Pursue
Career Vision’s assessment has been invaluable to my high school son. The comprehensive analysis identified specific strengths both academically and personally. The counselor was able to identify career areas our son would enjoy and excel in. Before Career Vision, we had no idea what college major he should pursue. We were even able to enroll him in a high school class he would have never taken on his own. Now, we have specific majors and several career path options. It has really helped us use our college visits more productively as well. It is obvious he feels good about his strengths identified and that he has some idea of what he might like to study in college. I don’t know how kids are to figure out “what they want to be when they go up” without some guidance and additional information on who they are! Career Vision has allowed our son to use his high school time more effectively as well as give him direction for college.
Hope S
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